All EMSB Adult Centres will offer Partly Online Classes starting this Fall.

Based on popular demand for ONLINE class time

All EMSB Adult Education Centres will offer their Academic and Basic English / French courses
Call us at (514) 373-2888 for more info.
Classes are Partly Online starting this fall! 🍂
Study at JFKAEC​

Basic English Courses (CCBE)

English courses are designed to develop the student’s language skills using social, professional and interpersonal situations that mirror real-life experiences. 

Academic Courses 🎓

A full range of academic programs for students looking to complete their secondary school or complete pre-requisites for CEGEP.

Basic French Courses 🆕

Our Basic French class are designed to allow students to learn the basic French language set by the CCBF program of the Ministry of Education (MESS).


Secondary School Equivalency Test Dates

Secondary School Equivalency Test Dates


General Education Development Test Dates


Visit the official website here