A message from the Administration

Whether it be completing a pre-requisite for admission to CEGEP, writing a General Development Test (GDT) or obtaining a high school diploma, JFKAEC takes great pride in helping our students reach their goals.

Our Centre has adopted a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting student success.   The JFKAEC community embraces diversity and inclusion with a wide-ranging network of student resources and support services.

In addition to promoting educational success, our team of teachers and professionals make every effort to promote personal growth, help build confidence and to fuel students’ potential. Our main goal is to open new doors and opportunities for all of our students.

Our teachers possess a wealth of teaching experience, compassion and empathy and they understand the challenges that the adult learner comes with. The educational team strives to provide students with a respectful and supportive environment to learn. The universal approach to learning promotes our students’ educational success and provides necessary tools to become productive learners.


Secondary School Equivalency Test Dates

Secondary School Equivalency Test Dates


General Education Development Test Dates


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